Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time has flown!

My goodness, how time has flown. It seems only a few years ago when a young minister named Les Stahlke, who was our former Pastoral Advisor for the ABC District Walther League Executive, floated past us the idea of having a “flying ministry” for the remote communities in northern Alberta. God blessed the endeavour and the rest is history. As a young man in the 70’s pursuing grad studies and having many doubts about the organized church and how it works, I found that my faith in God’s work was restored when I followed the work of LAMP through reading the LAMPLighter.

Even with all of LAMP’s ups and downs over the years (for the pilots – no pun intended), I am proud to be a “life member” of LAMP and look forward to hearing Les again. Last time I talked to Les was at the funeral of another old Walther Leaguer and staunch supporter of LAMP and original editor of the Lamplighter, Paul Scott.

Cheers, Erich Berndt

Friday, April 16, 2010

Quilting Memories

One memory I have of LAMP is the quilts our Usona LWML group made. How they were enjoyed!  I also remember sending donations to help with the Vacation Bible Schools, and recall how pleased the LAMP staff was to receive them. Our group was thrilled to be able to do things for LAMP so that LAMP could help others. God bless your work. I enjoy helping wherever I can.

Wilma Hennig

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

God has not forgotten

We thank God for the ministry of LAMP these 40 years. God has not forgotten the people of the North, and we feel privileged to support this work and celebrate these years.

Loreen Merz

Monday, April 12, 2010

Little Log Church

Hello, from Ted and Carol Johnson of Dore Lake, SK. We were served faithfully at our “little log church” first by Steve Kristenson then John Panning and lastly Doug Kabell. They came with wives and children and worshiped with us at our home. They all got to be family; we still keep in touch. Thanks to LAMP, our church is still open under a retired minister. We wish we could attend the banquet to see everyone again. God’s love to all.

Friday, April 9, 2010

"My Memories"

· Retreats at Prairie Point and at the Father Lacombe Centre in St. Albert.

· Flying with Pastor/Pilot Gerry Mitchinson to Zama, Garden River, Assumption, Rainbow Lake, Steen River and one time landing in a farmer’s field near Buffalo Hills due to smoke from forest fires.

· Christians-in-Service fellowship at Pastor/Pilot Mitchinson’s home

· VBS in Norman Wells; visit to Tuktoyuktuk and Yellowknife to see CiS Alice Olson and Pastor/Pilot Lee Berry

· The monthly newsletters.
· Many great memories!! To come North as a single nurse and discover so much support and ministry was an extra blessing all because of LAMP!

Ena Simpson (Elzen)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Celebrating 40 Years

I am looking forward to celebrating with you at the 40th Anniversary meeting. God has indeed kept LAMP under His wings and blessed it and the people it serves over the years. He continues to guide and bless LAMP's mission work, the dedicated missionaries, pilots, volunteers of all kinds and the people it serves.

My husband John and I became Charter Members in 1970-71 and have continued to help out as we were able. John worked in the northern areas a great deal, sometimes with native people. They always amazed him with their mechanical abilities and other talents. We both grew up in areas where “free Indians” (refused all government assistance) worked for pay on farms. They were special people.

Here in BC, we have many reservations. Many natives are trying to become self-sufficient – at least here in southern areas - where they can own orchards and wineries, do logging, fishing, etc. Areas in the North don’t have these opportunities so we see the need and go to them, help with education and bring them the Good news that Jesus is there for them too. We have much we can learn from them and their spirituality. In the coming years may they and we always remember Jesus is just a prayer away.

Evelyn Ryll

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


During the time Rev. Kronen was our pastor, Rev. Stahlke flew to Innisfail (Alberta, half-way between Calgary and Edmonton on Highway 2). My husband Alex picked him up for our worship service. Both pastors had lunch with us. I sent home canned fruit and homemade sauerkraut. Les was overjoyed! Alex took Les back to Innisfail with our 2 kids. Les gave the kids a plane ride to Penhold, AB (about 14 km.) where Alex met them.

Alvina Wolf