Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Anyone know Alex?

Reading through old LAMPLighters, I can across this awesome note from 10-year old Alex that was posted in one of the early editions. It makes me wonder if he ever volunteered with LAMP? Here's the letter, copied as written:
Dear L.A.M.P.,
I am going to work with you when I am a grown-up. I am 10 years old. I am a student at a Lutheran School, and my dad is the pastor at our church.
I love the Lord the Father in heaven and I'll give up anything to do His will. I have this little flame inside my heart that could become a fire. I keep thinking that I should be with you and I think the Lord wants me to be there, or at least be a missionary. I'll pray for you and the people you serve.
I think if I was living where the people you serve are I'd like a pastor too. I am only in 4th grade so it will take me a while to get there. Write soon. Yours in Christ, Alex

You see, it's letters like this that make me pray without ceasing for kids across southern Canada and the United States to be touched in this way by the power of the Holy Spirit when they hear of our ministry through our "Fueling the Mission" program. (Although my prayer is that their "little flames" turns into "fires!" and that they go wherever God leads them, taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.) Take a look at our present "Fueling the Missions" materials by clicking here.

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