Monday, March 15, 2010

A Volunteer's Testimony

I have been working with LAMP for 8 years now; a short time in the scheme of things. We have volunteers who have been with us for 20+ years, which is truly amazing! My faith has grown so much during these years, especially throughout the time I've spent in the North. God has been developing my leadership skills, and given me a vision for the people of the North as well as for the folks on my team. I've come to realize that the "mission trip" is not all there is "to it." God works through the preparation, the trip, the debriefing, and the repeating of the 'stories.' He doesn't waste a moment...and there's not a moment to waste! My testimony could be the length of a book. I will try to sum it up using this one particular story.

Every year we spend a night in Sioux Lookout prior to our flight North. This particular year, my team was on it's way to supper when we encountered a couple that appeared to be drunk. One of our team members responded to their question of "Hey, where are you guys going?" by telling them that we were missionaries going to teach children about Jesus. Their response, "I want to know about this Christ," left us breathless and afraid to witness. But God had other plans, and, filled with the Holy Spirit, He enabled us to share exactly Who our Christ is and gave us powerful words to pray for these people.

Do we know where this couple is today in their walk with God? No. Do we know what kind of impact our meeting might have had on them? No. But then, do we have any idea what our witness to the northern community has on anyone except ourselves? No. The good news is, we don't have to know the answers to these questions. In fact, we really have no right to ask the questions! Our job is to be obedient in every situation and to trust that God will continue to do His work according to His plan. Our call is to pray...lifting up those who need His divine interference and healing touch. Father, enable us to do this work You have called us to do, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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